Hiking et Walking

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RandoEvasion - The Reference site for the best and most special hiking and walking in Belgium, in Europe or elsewhere.

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Travel proposing to discover the world by being close to nature and respectful of its inhabitants.

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Pyrenees Mountains

walking information, trail descriptions, guided hikes,accommodation for hikers and their families, mountain retreat for sabatical leave

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Manege de la Golette

The horses farms The Golette proposes walks, stays, hikes horses (refuge bivouac) initiation weekends, perfectionnement. Lodging in a family and warm climate

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Ourthe Supérieure

Upper Ourthe, touristic region located in the center of the belgian Ardennes
Various styles of accomodations and restaurants
Activities : walks, VTT, kayak, fishing
Sightseeing : Herou mountain, valleys, points of view, rivers, forest

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Antwerp Ghostwalk

The Anwerp Ghostwalk team organises Ghsotwalks in the old town. These guided nighttime visits are a journey through the dark history of Antwerp.
Century-old legends are revived and in special places you will discover history that has turned to stone.

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Tweedaagse Voettocht van Vlaanderen

Blankenberge international two-days walk of Flanders, IML walk in Blankenberge. Courses: 6, 14, 24 or 42 km.

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